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The Learning Parent: Applying principles of retrieval practice at home, with Patrice Bain

We want our children to do well. Naturally. We parents have been through school, done homework and revised for exams.  Even if that can feel like a dim and distant lifetime ago. AS a result, you’d think we’d be amply qualified to do our bit and help our children through this stage. Afterall the human brain and learning haven’t changed in the last couple of decades.  

In this week’s podcast we looking at the science of learning and what we parents can do to help our teens be better at it.

Nathan McGurl, Founder of The Study Buddy, talks to Patrice Bain in this episode.

Over the course of this episode, Patrice explains the power of Retrieval Practice over alternative “go-to” approaches. She goes on to give practical tips and guidance that parents can readily apply at home. 

As exams loom, so pressure builds. That pressure is felt by students and parents alike. We’ve seen it in the way that our students talk about mocks and finals. And parents are paying more attention to how much time their children are spending revising. Now, it doesn’t matter who you are, your parenting style or what hopes you have for your children. Every parent wants their child to do as well as they can, and fulfil their potential. 

About Patrice Bain

Patrice is an educator, speaker and author. She is regularly featured in international press and talks at events all over the world. Patrice has spent more than 15 years working with cognitive scientists turning academic research into meaningful approaches to be adopted by teachers. Now, thanks to her recently published “Powerful Teaching: A guide for Parents”, we parents can learn too!


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