The Study Sessions Podcast
A collection of amazing guests will help you tackle some of the issues you’ve been grappling with when it comes to teens and revision.

Preparing for the GCSE Journey
You can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from those of us who’ve now come to the end of the exam period road. Now, all we have to do is wait for the results. But amongst us there are year 10 parents, the next cohort of GCSE studying families,
Our GCSE and A Level bundles contain everything you need to manage revision, straight out of the box. All tailored to the exact courses you need.

On Sixth Form college and further education choices – with Gill Walmsley
This week listen to Head of Sixth Form, Gillian Walmsley talk about life beyond GCSEs. Gill reflects on her daughter’s A Level decisions a couple

On procrastination, half term and the impact of Covid
Meet Carol, mum to GCSE-taking teen Poppy. This is a truly honest take on the position our teens find themselves in. And also the toll

On A Levels in 2022, supporting a child with ADHD and the importance of other parents to talk with
In this episode, you’ll hear from Kate. Kate is in the unenviable position of having both her children sitting exams in 2022. Tabitha taking her

On focus, the gap to GCSEs and helping without interferring
In this episode, you’ll hear from Barbara and her experiences with her teen daughter, Laura. Barbara and her family moved to England from Portugal in

The Study Session Podcast Returns with Season 3 – Good habits for GCSEs
The Study Sessions is back on the air for a third season. Join us as we explore ways of helping parents to support their teenage

Pens Down: Answering questions on exams, revision, and wellbeing in teens
Well, that was quite a year! It might not have panned out as any of us expected. But, one thing is for sure, our young

Growing Motivated: How we can develop and encourage motivation in our teens with Mark Enser
“Studying’s boring. I’ve already done enough. The test’s not for ages. The teacher told us it wasn’t important. What’s the point, I’m rubbish anyway?” I

Note Bene: Distilling and organising notes and ideas for effective studying with Oliver Caviglioli
There’s something comforting about seeing a teen’s notepad with actual notes inside it! Of course, the occasional diagram has its place too. The written word

At Home With MARGE: Exploring Shimamura’s approach to learning with Nimish Lad
Teaching and learning are something that has been happening since the dawn of time – or thereabouts. And we do it all the time in

The Balancing Act: Student stress and future progression in the 2021 exam series with Jill Duffy
In ‘normal times’, exams can be a cause of stress and anxiety for students. Even those students who have studied and you’d think are well

Project Revision: Project Management skills to help you help your teen with Catherine Walker
The end of the academic year is upon us. For GCSE and A Level students, the worst is now over. Many have finished their courses

Constant Challenge: Striving for consistency in Teacher Assessed Grades for GCSE and A Levels with WJEC’s Ian Morgan
The pandemic has resulted in cancelled exams for hundreds of thousands of pupils across the UK. In their place, we have Teacher Assessed Grades; where