Setting up the board for the first time.

You’re ready for your first pass at the board. Each week will follow the same routine. The structure is your friend.

Educators agree, this easy to follow repetition is one of the key reasons why The Study Buddy is such a successful approach to revising for GCSE exams.

  1. Block out the school day. You could do this by putting the lessons in, or simply mark them with a line. Up to you.
  2. Mark out any extracurricular activities. Think about ballet lessons, sports practice and the like. These might be regular or might be a one-off, like a dentist’s appointment. Either way, there’s no studying happening while these are taking place.
  3. Allow for downtime. It is vital that the schedule is achievable. So if Saturday lie-ins are a must, mark them out. You can always review how it goes next week. Also, make sure that socialising time is blocked out. Friday after school is a popular one. After a full week of working being able to unwind is important
  4. Everyone can now agree that the remaining units are fair game for study. But that is not to say that all empty slots are all for revision. Don’t overdo it. What works for your child is not necessarily what will work for another. Some might want to get a couple of hours done straight from school, others might want a bit of time on the Xbox. have a go and see what works best. Then learn and adapt.


Our GCSE and A Level bundles contain everything you need to manage revision, straight out of the box. All tailored to the exact courses you need.
