The Study Sessions Podcast
A collection of amazing guests will help you tackle some of the issues you’ve been grappling with when it comes to teens and revision.

Preparing for the GCSE Journey
You can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from those of us who’ve now come to the end of the exam period road. Now, all we have to do is wait for the results. But amongst us there are year 10 parents, the next cohort of GCSE studying families,
Our GCSE and A Level bundles contain everything you need to manage revision, straight out of the box. All tailored to the exact courses you need.

Out Of Style: Exploring the ‘Learning Style’ neuromyth and when to bust it with Professor Phil Newton
The idea that we have a ‘best way’ to learn; whether it’s visually, verbally, via touch or one of another 67 ways is not new.

Correcting feedback: How parents can provide supportive direction to teens with Michael Chiles.
“Could try harder.” “See me after class.” These kinds of phrases epitomised school for a great number of us. And that’s not to say that

Going the distance: Making the most of remote learning with Tom Rose
It’s quite incredible how quickly our teens adapt to their environment. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they can cotton on to a

The Exam Question: The impact of cancelled exams and learning with Zoe Enser
Who knew unprecedented times could still give you a sense of deja vu? The cancellation of GCSE and A Level exams in the summer 2021

Remote chance: Digital learning and learning digital with our teens with Jane Basnet
Remote learning isn’t a phrase we used very much before 2020. It was either classwork or it was homework. Of course, Covid-19 and lockdown brought

Taught parenting: The role parents can and do play in teaching teens, with Sam Twiselton
All too often when faced with a studying teen we’re reminded just how long ago our own school days were! Not only can the content

The Learning Parent: Applying principles of retrieval practice at home, with Patrice Bain
We want our children to do well. Naturally. We parents have been through school, done homework and revised for exams. Even if that can feel

Reaching your STEPS: Coaching, motivation and goal setting with Prof Damian Hughes
Hardly a fortnight goes by without some stone being thrown into the 2020 pond to causes ripples. And few have felt it more than those

Revising GCSE revision: Reframing the idea of exam preparation from short fix to long term, with Dawn Cox
It’s not unusual for students to wait until exams are almost upon them before revising. “Don’t stress, there’s loads of time” is certainly something parents

Making Maths Count: Overcoming barriers to master Maths GCSE with Dani Quinn
Could Maths be the Marmite of the Education world? Students seem to either love it or loathe it. They get it or they struggle. So,

Taking Stock of the Mock: What dry run exams are – and are not – good for with Adam Boxer
There’s something poetically ironic about calling these dry run exams “mocks”. For many parents, this is the time when our children make a mockery of

Revising Boys: A look at why it is [typically] difficult to get boys to study with Mark Roberts
Boys? Well, they’re just lazier than girls / don’t try as hard / procrastinate more / need to run around and let off steam. These