Just a routine operation

The Importance of a Routine for School Children Routines are essential for everyone, but they are especially important for school children and teens. A straightforward, consistent routine can help them feel more organised, prepared, and in control of their lives. It helph them to sleep better, eat healthier, and manage their stress levels. Not to […]
Picnics and post-its: should teenagers study over the summer holidays?

The summer holidays are a time for relaxation and fun, but they’re also a long time to go without reviewing school works, especially if they have exams at the end of next year. So, is summer study a necessity or a human rights infringement? As parents, we tend to look back on our own summer […]
How to schedule time for your revision

We take time – and filling it – for granted. But using it well isn’t something that happens by accident and it isn’t always something that comes naturally. Follow our three simple steps to planning time effectively
Managing stress levels when it comes to GCSE revision

Exams are a well known source of of stress. But it’s not just the immediate run up to them that causes anxiety. Revision can be a daunting prospects for our teens too. It is not a surprise that GCSEs, A Level and degree final exams can cause a considerable amount of pressure. Afterll, they’re important. […]
I’m starting to panic about Year 11 and GCSEs

It’s not uncommon for some students to feel anxious about the start of their final GCSE year. In fact, most will start to feel the pressure of the exams in one form or another. Here’s what we advise. First things first, you’ve got this. And there’s no end of people who are more than willing […]
What if your child didn’t get the 2022 GCSE grades they wanted?

Today (25/08/2022) is GCSE results’ day in England and Wales. Hundreds of thousands of students have been anxiously waiting to find out what they got. Many will be over the moon and their grades exceeded their expectations. I don’t just mean all 9s. These things are relative. For some, a 6 in English Language might […]
Preparing for the GCSE Journey

You can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from those of us who’ve now come to the end of the exam period road. Now, all we have to do is wait for the results. But amongst us there are year 10 parents, the next cohort of GCSE studying families, considering the trek ahead as […]
On what happens after the GCSE exams

The end of exams brings with it an almost palpable lifting of a weight. The hard work has been done – or not – and now all you have to do is wait. And I say “all” like it’s easy in itself. For some this waiting period can be a little fraught too. So what […]
On apprenticeships as an alternative to university- “Get The Jump”

There’s a broad presumption that after school there’s A levels and then onto university for a degree. A lot of young people just seem to get swept along on this fast-flowing river of higher education. But with increasing options and alternatives, are we doing enough to make sure that our teens know what else is […]
On answering common questions in the run up to GCSE exams

It’s not long now until the exams. It’s a time when nerves can get frayed, and tensions run high. This is the stage of revision that is most marked by the rhetorical questions like my personal favourite: Shouldn’t you be revising? Wouldn’t it be great if there were answers out there for the issues that […]