On revision techniques that work with Kate Jones

“I’ve been revising for ages” is often something that battle weary parents will have heard when asking how it’s going. As if lapsed time, spent near an open book or with a YouTube video playing a good use of time. But to be fair, it’s not just the procrastinators and the avoiders that struggle with […]
On finding a sense of normality – when things are anything but

Keeping up with the Jones’ was always used as an expression about consumerism, upgrading the washing machine, getting a fancier car, holidaying to the Costa Del Sol – if my Essex childhood was ever in any doubt, this is proof positive! At some point it seemed that parenting fell into this way of thinking, peering […]
On supporting anxious and overworking teens with Dr Dominique Thompson

The run-up to exams is an anxious time for all teens – and their parents. A certain amount of stress is not only normal, it can also be a good thing. It shows that the outcome is important. However, some young people feel that pressure to perform much more than others. Sometimes to a worrying […]
On creating a revision revolution at home with Helen Howell

There’s a widely recognised link between how well teens do in their exams – and in school generally – and the kind of interest and support they get at home over around their education. At least that’s how I justify any fleeting moments of overbearing nagging to my children – and to be honest, to […]
It’s Time to Spring into Revision Action for GCSEs

Sow the seeds of success by revising now so that they can be in full bloom by the time exam season begins. <could help the puntastic opening!!> As we mark the first day of spring (Sun 20th March 2022), there are just under two months to the start of GCSE and A Level exams. To […]
On getting started with a GCSE or A Level revision plan

If you ask any exam facing student whether they want to fail, they will tell you they don’t. Of course. And invariably they’ll know that to not fail (but especially to do well) they have to revise a bit. But strangely this acceptance doesn’t always translate into action. So just what is it that causes […]
On how teens view time and preparation

“I’ve got loads of time”, “It won’t take me long” or “I’ll do it later” come up time and time again as the top procrastination tactics with our teens. The fact that these things are rarely true does not mean it’s easy to convince them otherwise. So what is behind our teens’ often dysfunctional relationship […]
On encouraging self-sufficiency in our teens

Having children is exhausting. I’m not daft! I guess I would have realised that would be the case when they were babies, toddlers and even growing up. But no one warned me that this was a perpetual thing right up until they fly the nest – and in some cases beyond. A child can be […]
On Advance Information and the impact on GCSE and A Level revision with Dawn Cox

It’s been a whole two episodes since we mentioned the impact of COVID on our teen’s education. That was never going to last! There have been two years of interrupted learning, for those sitting exams this year – being year 11 and year 13 students. As a result, exam boards have now released what is […]
On Advance Information and the impact on GCSE and A Level revision

It’s been a whole two episodes since we mentioned the impact of COVID on our teen’s education. That was never going to last! There has been two years of interupted learning, for those sitting exams this year – being year 11 and year 13 students. As a result, exam boards have now released what is […]