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On procrastination, half term and the impact of Covid

Meet Carol, mum to GCSE-taking teen Poppy. This is a truly honest take on the position our teens find themselves in. And also the toll that it takes on us, their parents. Carol has an elder daughter too and reflects on the very different experiences her girls have had in the run-up to the exams.

We also think about half term and how best to use it. Should we be encouraging our teens to recharge their social batteries or is now the time to get their head down in preparation for mocks?

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In this third season of the podcast, Nathan – founder of The Study Buddy – will be talking to parents, students and teachers. Sharing these real-life experiences will confirm we’re not alone and should also provide plenty of advice and tips when it comes to supporting our own teens.

If you would like to take part in a future episode please drop us a line:


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