Addressing the attainment gap

Today the Children’s Commissioner released research that more and more young people are leaving school without key qualifications – and that children from the poorest families are most affected.

This research, reported in BBC News, shows that since 2015 there has been a 28% increase in the number of children leaving education without ‘substantive qualifications’. It found that the 25% increase of young people on free school meals (FSM) over the same period is a driving factor.

As a company we want to help all students fulfil their potential. That’s why we freely promote our approach to anyone who wants to use it. Following today’s report, we are delighted to announce that we’re going a step further. We’re making our Digital Tracker available for free to pupils on Free School Meals. Of course, we realise that this won’t stem the trend but even if it helps one disadvantaged student to achieve what they’re capable of then it will be worthwhile.

As part of The Study Buddy’s revision toolkit, The Digital Tracker helps to plan and monitor revision progress through a student’s set of GCSE courses. It is pre-populated with a to-do list of topics for each GCSE and iGCSE course, helping students to structure their revision. Available for sale on the website, we’re now offering a number of licenses to schools so that they can give them to their FSM eligible students.

If you are from a school and would like to take part, please contact us on


Our GCSE and A Level bundles contain everything you need to manage revision, straight out of the box. All tailored to the exact courses you need.
