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GCSE revision Advance Information for the summer 2022 exams

All the UK exams boards have today (7th Feb 2022) released information on which major topics will appear in the summer 2022 exams. The move is one of a number of steps taken to recognise the disruption that students have suffered in their GCSE years. This particular initiative to release advance notice helps students prepare […]

On making changes that stick with Shahroo Izadi

They say that around 80% of new years resolutions will fail by mid-Feb. That’s an awful lot of promises to revise harder for students and “I’ll stay stress-free” for parents that will have fallen by the wayside. But these things are important to see through. So just how is it that we gear ourselves up […]

On creating a productive parent-child relationship

For most of us, a successful week of revision comes from us not having to nag or coerce our children – well not too much at least. The idea that there could be some symbiotic relationship, where parent and child actually grow and thrive throughout all of this might feel like a fiction too far. […]

On trying not to be that overbearing parent

There’s not a parent amongst us who doesn’t want their child to do well. After all, them doing well gives them more options. It will raise their self-esteem and confidence. And often, from our point of view, it’s what we know they are truly capable of…. But is there a danger at some point do […]

On being more effective in supporting a studying teen with Lee Elliot Major

As we ring in the new year, we’re often symbolically determined to make a fresh start. For thousands of students, there’s renewed vigour – if not enthusiasm – to revise. And a correlated number of parents who are promising to make sure that they do. But you can’t expect a change by doing the same […]

On target grades and school reports with David Didau

The end of term reports are in. In many households, this can hold more sway over Christmas harmony than Santa’s naughty and nice lists. But are we right to put so much store in them? By which I mean the predicted grades not Santa’s lists, obviously. In the episode, David Didau talks us through how […]

On wanting to do well but struggling with motivation

This week’s guest is teen, Emily. She’s taking her GCSE exams in 2022. She talks openly about motivation (or lack of)  even though she knows the exams are important. She also explains why she wouldn’t mind if exams were cancelled. It’s great to have a teen perspective. Often, as adults, we have a more jaded […]

On approval, self-worth and learning from our experiences with Sanjeev Bhaskar

We’ve all done that thing of saying or doing something to our children we promised our younger selves we would never say or do. It’s the gradual but undeniable transformation into our own parents. But is that such a bad thing? After all, doesn’t it come from a place of good intention and concern and […]

On successful habits and study skills

It’s been quite a while since many of us have taken an exam. So, it’s understandable that we might have forgotten some of the best practices. To be honest I suspect a number of us may not have been especially au fait with those best practices at the time either. That can make it tricky […]