Pens down ’til September?

Schools are breaking up for the summer over the coming weeks. Some as early as from today! A lot of parents are asking us: “Should we keep children studying for GCSEs over the summer holiday?” And this is what we tell them…. It’s a tricky one! A lot of that will come down to the […]
Lockdown learning

Has anyone mentioned to you that these are strange times?! With no notice – or qualifications – parents suddenly found themselves in the role of a teacher or classroom assistant. With lockdown continuing here are our six top tips for parents helping pupils to stay on track as they consider heading to GCSEs and A-levels […]
Dear class of 2020

These last few months – even your last two years – have not been wasted. Sure, you might not get a chance now to show off your Macbeth quotes, how to factorise something with a x2 or even that you’ve remembered every element in the periodic table. But, like other years before, you’ve learnt so […]
The sounds of revision – tune in or tune out?

Is playing music while you’re revising a good idea or is silence really golden? Some swear it helps, while others need absolute, convent-like quiet study. Many students prefer to study while listening to music. For many, the image of a college library is of conscientious young people huddled over tomes, furiously taking note, with earphones […]
Addressing the attainment gap

Today the Children’s Commissioner released research that more and more young people are leaving school without key qualifications – and that children from the poorest families are most affected. This research, reported in BBC News, shows that since 2015 there has been a 28% increase in the number of children leaving education without ‘substantive qualifications’. […]
GCSE grades gap – all down to approach?

The Times Education Supplement (TES) has today reported that the approach to revision is key to explaining attainment. In particular the study looks at the gender gap and how girls are fairing better in traditionally boy-dominated top grade subjects. The research takes the view that the strategies and techniques used in revision play a significant […]
Being involved in sports doesn’t harm GCSE performance

Research by Huddersfield University for The Headmasters’ and Headmistresses Conference has shown that students shouldn’t be discouraged from playing sports, in the run-up to exams as there is no negative effect on exam results. The study – reported in The Telegraph – found that students shouldn’t abandon sports in the run up to GCSE or […]
Plan for a plan to fight the panic.
If you’re worrying that time is running out, stop what you’re doing! The countdown to GCSE exams is well underway. Households across the country are in varying degrees of panic. Many parents are concerned about the amount of time their children are spending revising – whether that’s too much or too little. However, how students […]
Revising for GCSEs at home. The 8 steps.

Studying at home is an important part of consolidating learning ready for GCSE exams. But is revision in your home a battleground or a safe haven?
Time for a check up?

Exam time is looming. It’s natural to start to feel anxious. But this isn’t the time to blindly panic. What you need is a plan so you know if you need to panic with conviction. Even those who have been revising for a while may feel a little shaky about how exam ready they are. […]