Practice makes progress

I baked this! And, as well as having a delicious crust and satisfying aerated texture, it provided the perfect analogy – what’s not to love?! I’ve always enjoyed cooking but my early attempts at making bread were wholly embarrassing. Little rocks that even the seagulls struggled with. It was so easy just to ditch it […]
Just a routine operation

The Importance of a Routine for School Children Routines are essential for everyone, but they are especially important for school children and teens. A straightforward, consistent routine can help them feel more organised, prepared, and in control of their lives. It helph them to sleep better, eat healthier, and manage their stress levels. Not to […]
Picnics and post-its: should teenagers study over the summer holidays?

The summer holidays are a time for relaxation and fun, but they’re also a long time to go without reviewing school works, especially if they have exams at the end of next year. So, is summer study a necessity or a human rights infringement? As parents, we tend to look back on our own summer […]
Managing stress levels when it comes to GCSE revision

Exams are a well known source of of stress. But it’s not just the immediate run up to them that causes anxiety. Revision can be a daunting prospects for our teens too. It is not a surprise that GCSEs, A Level and degree final exams can cause a considerable amount of pressure. Afterll, they’re important. […]
I’m starting to panic about Year 11 and GCSEs

It’s not uncommon for some students to feel anxious about the start of their final GCSE year. In fact, most will start to feel the pressure of the exams in one form or another. Here’s what we advise. First things first, you’ve got this. And there’s no end of people who are more than willing […]
What if your child didn’t get the 2022 GCSE grades they wanted?

Today (25/08/2022) is GCSE results’ day in England and Wales. Hundreds of thousands of students have been anxiously waiting to find out what they got. Many will be over the moon and their grades exceeded their expectations. I don’t just mean all 9s. These things are relative. For some, a 6 in English Language might […]
It’s Time to Spring into Revision Action for GCSEs

Sow the seeds of success by revising now so that they can be in full bloom by the time exam season begins. <could help the puntastic opening!!> As we mark the first day of spring (Sun 20th March 2022), there are just under two months to the start of GCSE and A Level exams. To […]
GCSE 2022 – plans and contingency plans announced

For the latest on Advanced Information for GCSE, A Level and other qualifications see our post. Ofqual has announced the arrangements for the summer 2022 exams. And also the plans that it is putting in place in case GCSE and A Level exams are cancelled. Exams will be taking place next year. It’s something that […]
When’s the best time to start revising for GCSE exams?

Erm, are you busy right now? The idea someone could be starting their revision “early” for their GCSE or A-Level exams is a nonsense. The only time you can’t revise is before you’ve learnt something! After that, it’s all fair game. And the sooner you start, the easier it will be to call on all […]
What’s happening to GCSE and A-level exams in 2022?

Today (30th September 2021) has been a big day for exam announcements in England . Ofqual has made three significant calls that affect students sitting their GCSE, A-Level and vocational exams in 2022. For many months students and their parents – and indeed teachers – have been wondering what changes might be made to courses […]