The Balancing Act: Student stress and future progression in the 2021 exam series with Jill Duffy

In ‘normal times’, exams can be a cause of stress and anxiety for students. Even those students who have studied and you’d think are well prepared are subjected to the mounting pressure. In fact, these abnormal times are no different. Exams have been replaced with Teacher Assessment; a process that for some feels uncertain and […]
Constant Challenge: Striving for consistency in Teacher Assessed Grades for GCSE and A Levels with WJEC’s Ian Morgan

The pandemic has resulted in cancelled exams for hundreds of thousands of pupils across the UK. In their place, we have Teacher Assessed Grades; where teachers are using their professional and holistic judgment to determine the level that a student is performing at. On the face of it at all sounds relatively straightforward. However, as […]
Your GCSE 2021 Questions Answered

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2021 grades for GCSE & A Level Home-Schooled and Private Candidates

Students who haven’t studied with an exam centre can now find somewhere to assess their work and award them a grade. Following the decision to cancel the summer 2021 exams, Ofqual announced that in place of the terminal exam they would rely wholly on teacher judgement. This presents an obvious issue for teens (and adults) […]
GCSE & A Level 2021 Grading Guidance Issued

Help and guidance on grading pupils who should have been sitting their GCSE or A Levels exams in the summer 2021 sitting has been published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). Following the announcement by the Government that exams wouldn’t take place, Ofqual determined that teachers would assess the grades. This JCQ guidance is […]
Making The Grade: Determining GCSE and A Level results in 2021 with Simon Lebus

In many subjects, it all hinges on the final exam. Many see them as the culmination of 2 or 3 years worth of study. And, of course, they are often source of great anxiety and often huge relief when they’re finished. However, just like last year, the class of 2021 will not be sitting these terminal exams. […]
Ofqual confirms the changes to GCSE, AS and A Level grading in 2021

After months of speculation and consultation, details have been announced for how grades will be awarded in 2021. The Government announced in January that there would be no exams in England for GCSEs, Vocational Qualifications (eg BTEC), AS or A Levels in 2021. Since then Ofqual has conducted a consultation with teachers, professionals, parents and […]
How you’ll get a grade for GCSE and A Levels in 2021

Ofqual has announced its proposals for how students will receive their grades in their GCSE, AS and A Levels, after exams were cancelled. The consultation document sets out what Ofqual considers to be the fairest way to award grades to students so that they “have an equal opportunity to progress. Ofqual is also keen that […]
The Exam Question: The impact of cancelled exams and learning with Zoe Enser

Who knew unprecedented times could still give you a sense of deja vu? The cancellation of GCSE and A Level exams in the summer 2021 sitting has divided people: those who think the exams should have gone ahead as the fairest way to grade students; and those who have long held that exams should have […]
GCSE and A Level exams Cancelled in 2021

Students in England will no longer sit formal exams in GCSEs, A Levels or AS Levels in the Summer 2021 sitting, following the announcement from Government. Instead of these summer exams, teacher judgement will be used to grade students, in a similar way to 2020’s grades. However the detail of what will be involved in […]