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On boarding school

Parenting can be a thankless task at times. Sure there are great bits to it, and on balance we wouldn’t be without them. Well, not all of us, and not all of the time. But there are aspects of the role that can be unwelcomed. The disciplinarian or enforcer role. The “have you done your […]

On co-parenting and blended families

Our guest this week is Darren. He’s dad to two teens: a girl who is in the first year of A Levels and a boy sitting GCSEs in 2022. Darren talks about his experiences of supporting teens when they live half the time with him, half the time with his ex-wife. We cover the difficulties […]

GCSE 2022 – plans and contingency plans announced

For the latest on Advanced Information for GCSE, A Level and other qualifications see our post. Ofqual has announced the arrangements for the summer 2022 exams. And also the plans that it is putting in place in case GCSE and A Level exams are cancelled. Exams will be taking place next year. It’s something that […]

On Sixth Form college and further education choices – with Gill Walmsley

This week listen to Head of Sixth Form, Gillian Walmsley talk about life beyond GCSEs. Gill reflects on her daughter’s A Level decisions a couple of years ago as well as providing expert advice for parents and students. We talk about choosing an institution to go to, things to consider when selecting subjects and also […]

On procrastination, half term and the impact of Covid

Meet Carol, mum to GCSE-taking teen Poppy. This is a truly honest take on the position our teens find themselves in. And also the toll that it takes on us, their parents. Carol has an elder daughter too and reflects on the very different experiences her girls have had in the run-up to the exams. […]

On focus, the gap to GCSEs and helping without interferring

In this episode, you’ll hear from Barbara and her experiences with her teen daughter, Laura.  Barbara and her family moved to England from Portugal in 2013. You might think that cultural and language issues feature among Barbara’s concerns for her GCSE facing teen. Well you – and I – would be wrong! The issues that […]

When’s the best time to start revising for GCSE exams?

Erm, are you busy right now? The idea someone could be starting their revision “early” for their GCSE or A-Level exams is a nonsense. The only time you can’t revise is before you’ve learnt something! After that, it’s all fair game. And the sooner you start, the easier it will be to call on all […]

The Study Session Podcast Returns with Season 3 – Good habits for GCSEs

The Study Sessions is back on the air for a third season. Join us as we explore ways of helping parents to support their teenage exam-facing teens. Not just surviving the exam period, but thriving in preparation! At least, that’s the dream! Throughout season 3 we will focus on the real experiences of parents, students […]